Harmful or dangerous content: content should not encourage potentially harmful actions
Hateful content: Content should not promote hatred or violent acts targeted at specific people, specific groups of people or one’s self
Violent or graphic content: Content should not show anything of especially violent or gory nature. Artificially graphic material in video games rated Teen or lower are exempt
Harassment and cyberbullying: Accounts intended for harassment of an individual or group of people is considered a malicious attack and will be treated as such
Leveraging titles: Use misleading titles in an attempt to gain clout or otherwise benefit the account owner
Harassment and cyberbullying: Accounts intended for harassment of an individual or group of people is considered a malicious attack and will be treated as such
Spam or scam content: One should not use content to leverage the viewer. Titles and thumbnails should be clear and not misinform users of the intended purpose of a link or post
Nudity or sexual content: Any and all pornography and sexually explicit content is strictly prohibited. Do be aware that we take exploitation of any kind extremely seriously and will take severe actions to ensure this kind of material is reported and not found on any of our services
Threats: Actions such as stalking, invading privacy, revealing other people’s personal information, and anything involved in the process of threatening another individual will be taken seriously along with the necessary precautions
Actions that obstruct our intentions for our services